October 21, 2022

Rising Rates: Short-Term Pain for Long-Term Gain?

Investors have likely noticed the improved opportunity set in fixed income due to higher yields.…
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October 5, 2022

Midterm Elections—What Do They Mean for Markets?

It’s almost Election Day in the US once again. For those who need a brief…
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September 23, 2022

Go Global for Diversification That Travels Well

US-based investors may believe they know America best. Accordingly, they are liable to put the…
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August 26, 2022

Active Management Hasn’t Shined in Volatile Markets

Many investors have likely heard the adage that active management performs better in times of…
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August 12, 2022

The Difference Between a Forecast, a Wish, and a Worry

David Booth Executive, Chairman and Founder, Dimensional When I was growing up, our local newspaper,…
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July 29, 2022

Quarterly Market Review – Q2 2022

This report features world capital market performance and a timeline of events for the past quarter. It begins with a global overview, then features the returns of stock and bond…
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July 29, 2022

Expectations vs. Reality in Value Funds

Key Takeways Value stocks have come roaring back, but the resulting performance lift has varied…
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June 24, 2022

Are We Headed For A Recession?

Just two years removed from the last US recession, negative stock returns and aggressive US…
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